Good job Hellhunter, you definately have some talent at this. Work on your stuff some more, its great!
Good job Hellhunter, you definately have some talent at this. Work on your stuff some more, its great!
thx even is your flash is way better than mine
Haha Wow
lol i didnt even think that Rubber Ducky Squeek would be an MGS parody.. Nice job, i hope your doing a sequel to this? Very funny, its like "MGS Movie" instead of Scary Movie. (the way you took scenes from other movies and incorperated them into your flash) Good stuff... good stuff...
For heavens sake use NG-Alpha
Listen, nobody wants to see what you whipped together in 10 minutes for some movie that probably isnt EVER going to come out due to your lazyness. Sure it looks cool but did you know that more than two thirds of what we score and why we vote is because it seems interesting? Thats what NG-Alpha's are for! Please next time you throw a random movie trailer out there put it in the alphas instead of the quality flash portal.
why call me lazy when you have no idea who i am? and maybe you could make this in 10 mins, but i spent a few hours getting this just right, and i think it is quality compared to some things.
Freakin Awesome
The BEST series i have ever seen lmfao. I just watched seven, one, and two, and they were awesome. MAKE MORE AND GOOD JOB!
AM 7 was the last one, sorry, but do watch the others over and over untill your sanity is completly gone!
Definately worth a 5/5 and a 10/10, that was funny AND well made. I have a feeling this will be a high scoring flash.
busy flying my roflcopter....
Age 33, Male
Roflcopter Pilot
Computer Desk
Joined on 4/10/05